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7/ 10 2023 up dated the auto stream added a few songs  intros were tweaked a bit  the website we added a sponsor to our site please support her she is a very sweet person  our very own Janie created   new dj boards theres one  at janies cusom shop and one at exotic expectations  both you can get our new boom box from it  its  1 prim mesh we also made a deal with  i tunes and abandoned the flash and html  5 players both  please follow instructions  on how to set up  on i tunes  thank you i tunes for your extensive support  see the gyazo for a pic of the board 

4/42023   added i tunes support see the you tube video on how flash player don't work and the html 5 player has no support so we depend on iTunes and win media for assistance ​

5/12-23    WELCOME TO we got our domain and now we are on iTunes now also so  now ther no excuses tune in if we need more support let me know ill work on win media then  but for now thank you i tunes 


we have brought you icecast streaming and shoutcast streaming in secondlife and out of secondlife accesable from our website on your flash enabled web browser pc remember no windows edge we also have an offline boombox option its a non streaming option songs can be added again everything is avalible on our web site right now we are s...treaming on icecast as a test join us as fire and ice join forces love you all thank you for your support
love the radiance radio staff
radiance showtime1111
viktor snoopy868
jack& tiny kitty southerncomfort289

5/21/2016 we ran a last min test on the shout cast server  i crashed a total of about 5 times  and i had a total of 10 listeners the whole night thank you all for the last min  remember if you have windows 10 you cannottt hewr me on your edge browser use the button to locate  ionternet explorer and join me on monday may 23 for more fun  ill be in NEKO HEAVEN LIVE IN SECOND LIFE  and off second life as well so so i invite all of you to join me   love you all radance and viktor     

5/27/2016 were running a test broadcast for a little bit   to test out music voices mp3 and others please give feedback on any bugs and sound issues such as hisss buzzz feddback and volume issues radiance radio is combining live music with cds vynls and mp3s as well as host voice

this is a very difficult thing to do your feedback is needed

3/13 2024  radince had a doctors  appt and i felt that the station should not run with out  her so  i moved the weekly brodacst for today to 2-7 today only mst 

7/23/2024    the website got a final update i upgraded it and added another you tube video on how to tune in  solving the adobe flash problem  the player is still shaky i think it might need html5 plugin  from your pc   were collaborating with American cancer society to rase money for  people in need were also trying to increase the online audience and depend less on secondlife it is very draining on resources thank you again to scots  paul  for your help i could not have made this possible with out you  those of you that have stuck by be since my grass roots i thank you from the bottom of my heart  it is very appreciated if you have any requests or msgs or comments see the social page comment or leave a msg on facebook or here on the lower right side the final  thing is vlc player  windows media  i tunes  and quick time supports this station and dwnload links are at the top click the respective icon needed for the player and it will install itself as long as the player is open  winamp  no longer works so i tunes took over win amp not enough people  have html 5 on there pc  i urge you to locate the plugin in the mean time i will do my best to help all i can here big hugs everone 

viktor    radiance  

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